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North State Food Bank Expansion

Food is the highest unmet need in Northern California following affordable housing, and the North State Food Bank has been working diligently to answer that call. The NSFB is operating at maximum capacity, jeopardizing our ability to meet the food needs of the most vulnerable and food-insecure residents in the communities we serve. Expanding this location will increase our ability to do more, with the determination and vision to alleviate hunger across the North State. The addition square footage will provide the space needed to source and distribute larger quantities of food in a safer and more efficient way.

Community Impact

Community Action's North State Food Bank is the hub of a 10,000-square-mile food distribution network that provides food to more than 5000 individuals who face food insecurity across Butte and beyond. This network is built from a collaborative partnership of more than 50 non-profit, faith-based, volunteer, and community groups that receive donations of NSFB food and share it with their communities. Expanding the NSFB will allow us to expand this network and the impact we make together.

Project Details

This expansion will eliminate the need to travel back and forth between leased warehouse spaces, reducing operation costs and improving the effectiveness and collaboration of Food Bank staff, partners, and volunteers. This will include the following improvements:

  • The addition of a new loading dock will allow safer and faster loading and unloading of food. We are currently operating without a loading dock.
  • More industrial freezers and refrigeration to allow the Food Bank to receive more meats, milk, produce, and other healthy but perishable foods.
  • A Community meeting space to enhance collaboration around local food systems.
  • A dignity-in-choice pantry will allow vulnerable families to select food their family will actually eat rather than collecting a prepackaged box that may not be suitable for their needs. This will reduce waste and promote dignity during tough times.
Addressing Food Insecurities in the North State

The North State has some of the most productive agriculture in the United States. Yet, many North State residents experience hunger and malnourishment.

  • Food insecurity in children means a greater chance of mental and physical health issues, poor academic achievement, and chronic illness.
  • 19% of children in Butte County are food insecure compared to 13% in California and 14% of children in the United States.
  • Food-insecure adults are at a greater risk of developing a serious diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.
The Barriers
The North State Food Bank provides food to vast rural and remote areas with low population density coupled with a large geographic service area. This dynamic increases the cost of food, staffing, and transportation. At the same time, hunger in these rural communities continues to rise. In these high-poverty areas, low-income residents are less likely to own a vehicle and thus would find it much more challenging to get to a grocery store if one were not nearby.
The Opportunities
  • A sustainable food system in this context integrates sustainable food production, processing, distribution, consumption, and waste management to enhance environmental, economic, and human health.
  • Increase utilization of CalFresh.
  • Encourage businesses/people to buy locally.
  • Work with farmers’ market managers and/or community organizations to explore the market viability of opening new markets. Involving beginning farmers in these new markets could provide them with opportunities to improve their marketing skills.
Construction Efforts
  • With the NSFB operating at capacity, additional space is needed to receive and store food donations until they can be distributed through the network of partner distribution sites.
  • An integral part of the NSFB’s ability to meet food needs is through private donations, including fruits and vegetables from local growers.
  • To meet the increasing food needs throughout the county, more space is needed to accept even larger quantities of these foods.
  • When disaster strikes, the NSFB helps maintain the vital flow of food into Butte and surrounding communities to nourish them through the initial crisis and during the long rebuilding process. The NSFB will maintain a rotating stock of shelf-stable food to enable them to respond immediately during future disasters.


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