Oroville Evacuation Help Appreciated

It’s not over. As we consider the events of the last week we should not think that it is over. Our North State Food Bank warehouse in Oroville was among the facilities closed when the evacuation order was issued last Sunday. Each year our food bank moves over 2 million pounds of food from donors to feed hungry families. These are friends and neighbors among us who don’t have enough food. This year we turned into a lifeline.
On Monday, despite lockouts, our staff were heroes. Working with law enforcement they gained access to the warehouse. They weren’t overwhelmed with the task; to get food to several evacuation centers that support the thousands of evacuees seeking shelter. Between Monday and Tuesday they transported 10,000 pounds of food to the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, Grace Community Church, Neighborhood Church and even went to a small shelter in Bangor to drop off much needed supplies.
Efforts continued after the order was downgraded to a warning. Our warehouse has been depleted. We thank PG&E for a donation of $5,000 to help. Our Feeding America network is working to replenish us since we still supply over 60 nonprofits monthly with food to help run their feeding services. We’re pleased to support the Salvation Army, Red Cross, Jesus Center, Torres Shelter and many more. If you can help go to www.buttecaa.com to donate online or send your contribution to Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc. It will be appreciated by many.
Thomas Tenorio, CEO
Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.
Since 1967, the Community Action Agency of Butte County has been serving the needs of the region in alignment with the charter of the National Community Action Agencies overarching goal: To alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty by whatever means necessary in your community. As Butte County CAA, we provide hope to people struggling with poverty to become more self-sustaining by meeting tangible needs in the areas of energy savings, affordable food, and housing. Connect with us to find out how you can get involved.